Life is hard!
Sure… you had a fine childhood, have a supportive family, have a good job… nothing “should” be wrong.
Guess what?
Life is still hard. Broken relationships… past hurt remains… dealing with consequences from bad choices…
The problems you have suck.

“Why doesn’t anyone understand me?”
No one gets you, gets how hard you try.
It feels like despite your efforts, you still have nothing to show for it.
There’s always someone who’s mad at you, who doesn’t think you are trying.
And if they really knew what it was like – talking to yourself, trying to keep your head above water, well… – they still probably wouldn’t get it.

You can’t think your way out of feelings.
Something feels off… but you can’t name how you feel.
You try to make sense of it logically, but the reality is there’s no making sense of it.
Numbers make sense, logic and reason are your backbone, the world of emotions is totally foreign to you.
How are you going to understand these emotions when you’re scared shitless of having to actually feel your feelings?
You’ve made a career out of avoiding, minimizing, and dismissing anything that resembles a true emotion – they’re too hard, too scary.

Talk about it, yeah right…
Things might be easier if you could tell someone how you feel. But that would require being vulnerable, which you determined a long time ago as off-limits.
That small problem aside, every time you try to talk to family and friends, it never goes well.
They’re on your back and never seem to get what you’re trying to say. They react defensively to what you do say and then accuse you of not doing enough.
Yeah, maybe you don’t always say things the nicest way, but come on… don’t you deserve a break?
Here’s the catch…
When it comes to therapy, you can’t think your way out of the problem.
You must feel your feelings; but along the way you stopped doing that, because it was easier to just shut off that part of yourself.
It was easier to not go there. To pull back.
But I’ve got good news… there is a way to get through this.
Hi, I’m Cryssa.

Cryssa Andersen, LMFT
You can change! And I can help you.
It’s not going to be pretty, and it’s probably going to feel bad at some point – but you won’t be alone.
Even when you are frustrated and hating me and want to quit, I will hold the hope. I will be in your corner.
Finally, you will feel some validation, some relief, and, eventually, you will learn to feel those scary feelings AND find a way to not let them get in the way of you making choices that support the life you want.
What I Offer
Real talk…
I will help you see how your thinking and feeling are keeping you stuck.
I will challenge you, push you, be direct with you, and help you find a new way to see the world and yourself. A new way that serves you and supports the changes you want to make.
Are you ready for change? Call or text me today.